
Tatewaki Laboratory, Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, The Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology



2019 “Technology and Biology ” Seminar @Nara Kasugano International Forum(20200227)

We gave lecture of Prof. NAKAMURA.

2019 Graduation thesis Presentation & Wrap-up Party
@ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(20200214,20)

Congratulations to M2、B4 lab members!

2019 Research Trip of Hokkaido @ Hokkaido University(20200120~24)

M1 KIMURA、NOGUCHI went Hokkaido University.

2019 Molecular Engine Area Meeting @ Chiba University(202200109~10)

M1 KIMURA、NOGUCHI made poster presentation.

2019 OME Conference@Avance, Saga Prefecture(20191219~21)

 M2 KATO、M1 KIMURA、SAITO made oral presentation.

2019Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry Soccer Competition
@ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (20191103)

We carried out Soccer Competition between the labs in our department.

2019 Mid-term Presentation @ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(20191026)

B4 KOBUKAI、NISHIMURA、Savie made Mid-term presentation.

2019 JSAP-OSA Autumn Joint Symposia@Hokkaido University(20190920)

M2 IWATA、M1 NOGUCHI made oral presentation.

2019 Wrap-up Party of the First Semester@Higashikoganei(20190808)

Thank you for the good work!

2019 Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry Softball CompetitionM
@ Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(20190727)

We won 3rd place.
It was a day for our lab members to strengthen our friendship.
We are aiming to win 1st place next year!

2019 M&BE 10 th Conference@Nara Kasugano International Forum (20190625)

M1 NOGUCHI made a Poster Presentation.

2019 The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan @ Tower Hall Funabori (20190605,06)

M1 KIMURA and NOGUCHI made Poster Presentation.

2018 Graduation Caremony (20190326)

Congratulations to M2、B4 lab members!

2018 JSAP-OSA Spring Joint Symposia @ Tokyo Institute of Technology (20190228)

M1 IWATA made an oral presentation.

2018 Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Conference (20190227)

M2 IWAMOTO、TAKEI、B4 NOGUCHI delivered an oral presentation.

2018 Department of Organic and Polymer Materials Chemistry Soccer Competition (20181125)

We carried out Soccer Competition between the labs in our department.
We won 3rd place. It was a day for our lab members to strengthen our friendship.
We are aiming to win 1st place next year!

2018 Final Year Presentation@Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (20181013)

B4 KATAYOSE、KIMURA、NOGUCHI made their mid-term presentation。
B4 delivered their first presentation with confidence!

2018 JSAP-OSA Autumn Joint Symposia@Nagoya Congress Center (20180918~21)

M2 IWAMOTO made an Oral Presentation、M2 TAKEI made a Poster Presentation.

2018 Lab Trip in Kozu-shima (20180905~07)

All lab members joined the trip to Kozu-Shima in Izu Islands.

The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan @Tower Hall Funabori 2018 (20180614)

M1 Kato and Iwata gave a poster presentation.

Graduation ceremony 2017 (20170327)

Congratulations graduation!!

Symposium @Hokkaido Univ. 2017(20171226)

B4 Iwata gave a presentation, and had a discussion with southeast university.

JSPS Core to Core Program @Metro Toronto Convention Centre 2017 (20171120)

M2 Kawamura, M1 Iwamoto, B4 Kato, B4 Iwata gave an oral presentation in China.
Everyone made presentation in English For the first time.

Poster Presentation in Autumn Open Campus @Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. 2017 (20171111)

M1 Iwamoto gave a poster presentation.

The 4th symposium of π-System Figuration @Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. 2017 (20171019)

M2 Kawamura and M1 Iwamoto gave a poster presentation.

Interim Presentation of Undergraduate Dissertation @Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech. 2017 (20170929)

B4 gave a poster presentation.

The 6th Summer Seminar of Low Dimensional Optical Functional Materials Study Group @Kesennuma 2017 (20170907)

M2 Tadai and M1 Iwamoto gave a poster presentation.
Iwamoto won the poster award !!

The Nanofiber Society 8th Annual meeting@Tokyo Institute of Technology 2017 (20170714)

JSPS Core to Core Program@Metro Toronto Convention Centre 2017 (20170525)

Graduation ceremony 2016 (20170324)

JSPS Core to Core Program @The Univ. of Edinburgh 2016 (20170321)

Suntory beer factory 2016 (20161129)

The college’s open day for high school student 2016 (20161112)

Joint colloquium 2016 (20161105)

Sake brewery 2016 (20161025)

JSPS Cooperative Project @ Southeast University 2016 (20161011)

JSAP Autumn Meeting 2016 (20160916)

JAL MUSEUM 2016(20160531)

Dinner with Prof.Akutagawa 2016(20160510)

BBQ 2016(20160426)

Graduation ceremony 2015(20150325)

BBQ 2015(20151111)

The graduation ceremony and the thank-you party for the teachers in fiscal 2014 (20150325)

The party after thesis presentation in fiscal 2014 (20150227)

Startup the laboratory in fiscal 2014 (20140401)


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