

Overseas Field Training in Russia: Screening of Caucasian Plants for Allelopathic Activity
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Mardani Korrani HOSSEIN
Department of International Environmental and Agricultural Science Destination and period: Russia, Caucuses. 4/August/2013 - 28/August/2013

The Caucasus region is identified as one of the 25 biologically richest and also most endangered terrestrial ecoregions of the World (Zazanashvili et al. 2000; Myers et al. 2000). Therefore, to practice my field training, I visited Russia for a period of 25 days started on 4th of August. This travel was supported by Education program field-oriented leaders in environmental sector in Asia and Africa (FOLENS). The objective of my travel was collecting and screening the Caucasian plant to understand their potential for allelopathic activity. It should be noted that finding new natural chemicals from plants, we will be able to apply them to produce new ways to control pests, weeds etc to reduce agrochemicals in the world. During this trip, I also moved to Teberda town in the south part of Russia to visit the Teberda State Natural Biospherical Reserve and have observation about Caucuses Mountains and its unique vegetation. Moreover, I visited Moscow State University Botanical Garden and Biological station in Zvenigorod Town to learn more about the Russian plants and ecological issues. Luckily, more than 170 plants were collected and moved to Japan for the future studies.
Key words: Allelopathy, Caucuses Mountains, Russia, Vegetation

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