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2013/March | ?@Conjunctive use irrigation in tropical monsoon region toward increasing agricultural production and sustainability: Case study in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia |
2014/September | ?@???c?n?т?????鐅????x??????????惂?f??SWAT????? |
2018/September | Assessment of rice production system and water productivity in Sumani watershed, West Java, Indonesia |
2019/March | ?@?Q???^???????????鐅??????J???????????z????y????e???@?|?o?????X?o?b?N???G?[?W?F???g?x?[?X???f????K?p?| |
2020/March | ?@Study on water stress distribution of rice production in terraced paddy fields: Case study of Wonogiri Regency Central Java Indonesia |
2021/March | ?@ Evaluation of climate change impacts on irrigated paddy fields by water balance analysis: A case study of MWEA irrigation scheme, Kenya |
2021/March | ?@Water balance assessment in watershed and irrigation block scale for improvement of water use efficiency in paddy fields: A case study of the Pursat River Basin, Cambodia |
2023/March | ?@Assessment of the Crop Water Stress Index in Rice Production under a Humid Temperate Climate?@ |
2023/September | ?@ Analysis for sustainable land use management with developing soil salinity map through application of GIS and Satellite Imagery in Sirdarya Province, Uzbekistan |
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Bachelor ?@