
1. Current members




Research topics

Hirozumi Watanabe PhD.


Development model system for  pesticide fate and transport in rice paddy field 

I C Yadav, PhD

JSPS Fellow

Development of pesticide runoff model for controlling risks of pesticide losses

Charoen Jiraratchwarn

PhD student

(first year)

Investigation of sediment and pollutant transport in tropical monsoon watershed

Lan Van Thinh

PhD student

(first year)

Improvement of a predicting pesticide fate and transport model (SPEC) applied to Japanese upland agricultural land

Shimpei Akai

MSc student

(second year)

Simulating the pesticide dissipation in multiple layered soil by improved pesticide fate and transport model (SPEC)

Le Hoang Tu

MSc student

(second year)

Improvements and application off PCPF-1@SWAT model for predicting pollutant transport: case study in agricultural watershed

Kassu Tadesse

MSc student

(first year)

Soil moisture monitoring and modelling for efficient irrigation water management

Nizamov Sherzod

MSc student

(first year)

Effect of mulching on soil moisture and green house gazes emission

Asaka Yasuhara

BSc student

(third year)

Soil water monitoring in upland field




2.  Alumni




Thesis topics

Mami Uetsuhara


人工降雨装置を用いた土壌中、流出水中および小松菜(Brassica rapa var. perviridis)中の農薬分布特性評価

Seiji Higashino

Research Student2017/4/1

Studies on effects of imidacloprid on larvae of dragonfly (Sympetrum frequens) in soil-water interface in paddy field

Piyanuch Jaikaew

Thailand, Kassesat  University

Fate and transport of herbicides in andisol soil considering temperature dependency of adsorption and degradation processes: in case of atrazine and metolachlor

Son Nguyen Thien

Department of water quality, Vietnam

Application of PCPF-1@SWAT model to simulate fate and transport of three rice herbicides in Sakura river basin.

Farag Malhat

Central Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory,



Development of an assessment system for pesticide run-off and residue from/in agricultural soils


Ayman Seber

Central Agricultural Pesticide Laboratory,


A Microscale-Portable Rainfall-Runoff Simulator (M-PRRS) for assessment of Neonicotinoids and Fipronil insecticides transport via surface runoff

Jung-hun Ok

Institute in Korea

Evaluation of herbicides fate and transport on differential temperature

Dang Quoc Thuyet

University of Tokyo

Investigation of pesticide runoff in upland field












移動式降雨流出試験装置を用いた農地における放射性 Cs 流出シミュレーション

Boulange Julien Eric Stanislas

National institute of Environment(2010-2015)

Basin scale assessment of fate and transport of rice pesticides in Sacramento River Basin

Kei Kondo


Development of the simulation model predicting pesticide concentration in Japanese river

Dang Quoc Thuy


Development of the simulation model for predicting fate and transport of nursery-box-applied pesticide in paddy environment

Hiroshi Sakai


Risk assessment of insecticides on dragon fly

Piniti Somjunyakul


Rainfall simulator development

Hoang Thu Trang


Investigation of fate of rice herbicides, butachlor and pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, in rice paddy soil

草刈 将之




佐藤 景子






Investigation of acute toxicity of insecticides, fipronil and imidacloprid

on young larvae of Sympetrum frequens

Julien Tournebize PhD.

Visiting Scholar from CEMAGREF, France ( move to CEMAGREF from 2005/4)

Simulation of pesticide in paddy field by coupling PCPF-1 and HYDRUS-2D: Tracer validation

Vu Hong Son PhD.

Ministry of Agriculture Vietnam

Risk assessment and mitigation of pesticide runoff from paddy fields -- paddy watershed monitoring and modeling--

Nguyen Hoang Tra My ( Msc.)

Move to JICA Vietnam(HoChiMinh City) from 2004/10

Monitoring pesticide concentration in paddy field-- Field plot experiments --

Souphasay Komany (Msc.)

Move to Water Resources Coordination Committee, Prime Minister Office, LAO from 2004/10

Monitoring water balance in a paddy field -- Field plot experiment and micro paddy lysimeter--

Thai Khanh Phong PhD

Graduated from 2008/9

Investigation of fate and transport of granule and foliar sprayed pesticides in paddy fields

Yuki Koizumi ( Msc.)

Graduated from 2006/3

Nitrogen fate and transport monitoring in micro-paddy lysimeter

Thai Quoc Hien (Msc.)

Move to Vietnam Institute for Water Resources Research from 2006/10

A method for preparing paddy soil profile in lysimter

Taku Tanaka (Msc.)

Graduated from  2007/3

A simulation of pesticide transport in Sakura river basin--Application of PCPF-C and RIVWQ models

Dang Thi Tuyet Nhung (Msc.)

Graduated from  2007/9

Monitoring pesticide fate and transport in micro paddy lysimeter

Enkhtaivan Sanaa (Msc.)

Graduated from 2008/9

Monitoring pesticide fate and transport in paddy fields at
TUAT FM Honmachi

Kumar  Sanstosh (Msc.).

Graduated from 2009/9

Development of a model system for simulating the behavior of spray pesticide in Japanese rice paddy

Nasedjanov Murodjon (Msc.)

Graduated from 2009/9

Monitoring of contaminants transport in the Chirchik River Basin, Uzbekistan

Nguyen Hai Doan (Msc.)

Graduated from 2010/9

Investigation of temperature dependency of pesticide fate parameters in paddy environment

Sok Pisith (Msc.)

Graduated from 2010/9

Investigation of pesticide behavior under application of rice husk charcoal in paddy field