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船田 良 Ryo Funada 
  27年前   23年前    10年前    現在
樹木生理学 (Tree physiology)、木材解剖学(Wood anatomy)、木材生物学(Wood biology)、細胞生物学(Cell biology)、木質バイオマス学(Wood-biomass science)、環境科学(Environmental science)
1978年3月 東京都立九段高等学校卒業
1979年4月 東京農工大学農学部林産学科入学
1983年3月 東京農工大学農学部林産学科卒業
1983年4月 東京農工大学大学院農学研究科林産学専攻修士課程入学
1985年3月 東京農工大学大学院農学研究科林産学専攻修士課程修了
1985年4月 東京農工大学大学院連合農学研究科環境・資源学専攻博士課程入学
1988年3月 東京農工大学大学院連合農学研究科環境・資源学専攻博士課程修了
1988年3月 学位「農学博士」取得(東京農工大学)

1987年4月-1989年3月 日本学術振興会・特別研究員
1989年4月 北海道大学農学部・助手
1989年10月-1990年9月パリ高等師範学校(Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, Anne-Marie Catesson研究室)・フランス政府博士研究員
1995年7月 北海道大学農学部・助教授
1999年4月 北海道大学大学院農学研究科・助教授
2003年8月- 2004年3月 東京農工大学農学部・助教授
2004年4 月 - 2007年3月 国立大学法人東京農工大学大学院共生科学技術研究部・助教授
2007年4月 - 2007年4月 国立大学法人東京農工大学大学院共生科学技術研究院・准教授
2007年4月 - 2008年3月 国立大学法人東京農工大学大学教育センター・兼任教員
2007年5月 - 現在 国立大学法人東京農工大学大学院農学研究院・教授
2011年4月 - 現在 国立大学法人東京農工大学大学院連合農学研究科・研究科長

「木材の形成制御機構に関する研究」により第 44 回日本木材学会賞受賞(2004年)
「スギのカルスにおける管状要素分化誘導に関する研究(佐藤武尚、吉本靖東、半 智史、久保隆文、船田 良)」により第 57 回日本木材学会大会(広島大会)優秀ポスター賞受賞(2007年)
ポプラカルスからの管状要素分化誘導におけるブラシノライド添加の影響(山岸祐介、吉本靖東佐藤武尚半 智史早乙女順一久保隆文船田 )」により第 58 回日本木材学会大会(つくば大会)優秀ポスター賞受賞(2008年)
「ホオノキの未成熟種子由来の不定胚から再生した植物体におけるhonokiolおよびmagnololの定性・定量(朴 仁善、船田 良、中島正博、梶田真也、久保隆文)」により第 59 回日本木材学会大会(松本大会)優秀ポスター賞受賞(2009年)
「カキおよびホオノキにおけるin vitro管状要素誘導に関する研究(吉田菜摘、山岸祐介、内山大夢、朴 仁善、半 智史、船田 良)」により第 60 回日本木材学会大会(宮崎大会)優秀ポスター賞受賞(2010年)
「Growth eccentricity and tension wood formation in Acasia Mangium seedlings at different angles of inclination(Nugroho, W.D. et al,)」により2012-IUFRO CONFERENCE Division5 (Portugal) The best poster award受賞(2012年)

1995年-1998年 国立環境研究所客員研究員
1998年 バングラデシュ農科大学(Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh) Visiting Professor(日本学術振興会特定国派遣事業)
1999年 京都大学木質科学研究所非常勤講師
1999年 森林総合研究所非常勤研究員
2000年 東京農工大学非常勤講師
2001年 東京農工大学非常勤講師
2003年 大韓民国全南大学、慶尚大学、慶煕大学 Visiting Scientist(日本学術振興会特定国派遣事業)
2005年 九州大学非常勤講師
2005年 東京大学非常勤講師
2006年 東京大学非常勤講師
2007年 東京大学非常勤講師
2008年 東京大学非常勤講師
2008年 九州大学非常勤講師
2009年 東京大学非常勤講師
2009年 京都大学非常勤講師
2010年 東京大学非常勤講師
2011年 東京大学非常勤講師
2011年 九州大学非常勤講師
2011年 大韓民国慶煕大学 Visiting Professor
2012年 東京大学非常勤講師
2012年 京都大学非常勤講師
2012年 大韓民国慶煕大学 Visiting Professor
1993年-1995年 日本木材学会広報委員
1995年-1999年 日本木材学会学会誌(木材学会誌、Journal of Wood Science)編集委員
1999年-2001年 日本木材学会広報委員
1997年-現在 日本木材学会組織と材質研究会幹事
2000年-2006年 International Association of Wood Anatomists Council Member (IAWA、国際木材解剖学会理事)
2001年-現在 International Academy of Wood Science Fellow (IAWS、国際木材科学アカデミーフェロー)
2001年-現在 生態工学会(旧CELSS学会)理事
2001年-現在 生態工学会(旧CELSS学会)学会誌(Eco-Engineering)編集委員
2002年-現在 生態工学会(旧CELSS学会)企画委員
2003年-2007年 日本木材学会広報委員
2004年-現在 日本木材加工技術協会誌(木材工業)編集委員
2005年-2007年 日本木材学会学会誌(木材学会誌、 Journal of Wood Science)編集委員
2005年-2007年 日本木材学会広報・情報委員
2005年-2007年 日本木材学会評議員
2006年-2008年 日本木材学会将来構想委員会委員
2006年-現在 Tree Physiology (Editorial review board)  
2007年-2009年 日本木材学会常任委員
2009年-現在 日本木材学会理事
2011年-現在 生態工学会(旧CELSS学会)副会長
1)著書・総説・解説(Book chapters・reviews) 33編
1) 船田 良:植物ホルモンによる早材・晩材形成の制御、木質分子生物学(樋口隆昌編著)、文永堂出版、東京、pp 187-197、203-205 (1994).

2) 大政謙次、船田 良:植物の生体画像計測、バイオサイエンスとインダストリー、54、33-35 (1996).

3) 船田 良:樹木の木部細胞壁形成における表層微小管の役割-共焦点レーザ顕微鏡の応用-、電子顕微鏡、32、95-99 (1997).

4) Funada R: Control of wood structure, In (Nick P, ed) Plant Microtubules; Potential for Biotechnology, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp 51-81 (2000).

5) Funada R, Furusawa O, Shibagaki M, Miura H, Miura T, Abe H and Ohtani J: The role of cytoskeleton in secondary xylem differentiation in conifers, In (Savidge R, Barnett J, Napier R, eds) Cell and Molecular Biology of Wood Formation, Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford, UK, pp 255-264 (2000).

6) 船田 良:樹幹解析、木質科学実験マニュアル(日本木材学会編集)、文永堂出版、 東京、pp 84-85 (2000).

7) Funada R: The role of cortical microtubules in wood formation, In (Morohoshi N, Komamine A, eds) Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 127-135 (2001).

8) Funada R: Immunolocalisation and visualisation of the cytoskeleton in gymnosperms using confocal laser scanning microscopy, In (Chaffey N ed) Wood Formation in Trees; Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques, Taylor & Francis Publishers, London, UK, pp 143-157 (2002).

9) 船田 良:木材の構造と形成、木質の形成-バイオマス科学への招待-(福島和彦、船田 良、高部圭司、杉山淳司、梅澤俊明、山本浩之編著)、海青社、 大津、pp 11-20、27-39 、61-67 (2003).

10) 船田 良:樹木細胞壁の構造と形成-光合成同化産物のシンクとしての機能-、日本応用糖質科学会誌、50、513-514 (2003).

11) 船田 良:ニューヨークなど都市化した環境のほうが樹木の成長が速い?、 遺伝 、 58 、 22-24 (2004).

12)船田 良: 樹木の肥大成長、樹木生理生態学(小池孝良編著)、朝倉書店、 東京、 pp 125-137 (2004).

13) 船田 良:木を立派に育てるには樹冠、木のびっくり話100(日本木材学会編)、講談社 、 東京、 pp 24-25 (2005).

14) 船田 良:木材の形成機構、 木材工業 、 60 、 59-64 (2005).

15) Abe H and Funada R: The orientation of cellulose microfibrils in the cell walls of tracheids in conifer: A model based on observations by Field emission-Scanning electron microscopy, International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Journal, 26, 161-174 (2005).

16) 船田 良: 肥大成長の意味、森林の科学(中村太士、小池孝良編著)、朝倉書店、 東京、 pp 8-9 (2005).

17) 矢崎健一、船田 良: 高 CO 2 環境下での樹幹形成 、 森林科学45、11-17 (2005).

18) Yazaki K, Maruyama Y, Mori S, Koike T and Funada R: Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on wood structure and formation in trees, In (Omasa K, Nouchi I, de Kok LJ, eds) Plant Responses to Air Pollution and Global Change, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan, pp 89-97 (2005).

19) 船田 良:木材の形成、森林・林業実務必携、(東京農工大学編)、朝倉書店、東京、pp 348-353 (2007).

20) 船田 良:樹木形成層活動の制御、木材学会誌541-10 (2008).

21) 船田 良:木質バイオマスの形成機構、Eco-Engineering生態工学会誌)2037-43 (2008).

22) Funada, R.: Microtubules and the control of wood formation. In: Nick, P. (ed.) Plant Microtubules: Development and Flexibility, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg , Germany , pp 83-119 (2008).

23) 中村健太郎、船田 良:資源と環境のための海外植林、遺伝、6377-80 (2009).

24) 福島和彦、小林哲夫、浅田隆之、高部圭司、船田 良:未利用木質バイオマス(樹皮)の高効率糖化技術の開発、林木の育種、23114-16 (2009).

25) 船田 良、半 智史:樹木の二次木部細胞におけるセルロースミクロフィブリルの配向制御、Cellulose Communicationsセルロース学会誌)1695-101 (2009).

26) 伊豆田 猛、船田 良:東アジアにおけるエアロゾルの森林影響の解明をめざして、北方林業、6261-64 (2010).

27) 船田 良:伸長成長と肥大成長、木質の構造(日本木材学会編)、文永堂出版、東京、p.109-123 (2011).

28) 船田 良:あて材の構造、木質の構造(日本木材学会編)、文永堂出版、東京、p.207-216 (2011).

29) 船田 良:木材の構造と形成、木質の形成(第2版)バイオマス科学への招待(福島和彦、船田 良、山本浩之、高部圭司、梅澤俊明、杉山淳司編著)、海青社、大津、p.15-144 (2011).

30) 船田 良:重力刺激応答、植物細胞壁(西谷和彦、梅澤俊明編著)、講談社、東京 p.199-203 (2013).

31) Begum S, Nakaba S, Yamagishi Y, Oribe Y and Funada R: Regulation of cambial activity in relation to environmental conditions: understanding the role of temperature in wood formation of trees, Physiologia Plantarum, 147, 46-54 (2013).

32) 伊豆田 猛、船田 良:我が国における対流圏オゾンの植物影響評価に関する取り組み、北方林業 (2013、印刷中).

33) 船田 良:形成層活動と道管の形成、樹木の自然史(寺沢 実編)、北海道大学図書刊行会 (2013、印刷中).  
2)論文(Papers) 107編
1) Funada R, Sugiyama T, Kubo T and Fushitani M: Determination of indole-3-acetic acid levels in Pinus densiflora using the isotope dilution method, Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 33, 83-87 (1987).

2) 船田 良、久保隆文、伏谷賢美:スギ樹幹内の晩材出現様式と内生オーキシン濃度との関連性、木材学会誌、33、253-260 (1987).

3) Funada R, Sugiyama T, Kubo T and Fushitani M: Determination of abscisic acid in Pinus densiflora by selected ion monitoring, Plant Physiology, 88, 525-527 (1988).

4) Funada R, Kubo T and Fushitani M: Vertical distribution of annual ring characteristics in relation to the crown profile in akamatsu (Pinus densiflora), Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 35, 944-947 (1989).

5) Funada R, Kubo T and Fushitani M: Early- and latewood formation in Pinus densiflora trees with different amounts of crown, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Bulletin new series, 11, 281-288 (1990).

6) Funada R, Mizukami E, Kubo T, Fushitani M and Sugiyama, T: Distribution of indole-3-acetic acid and compression wood formation in the stems of inclined Cryptomeria japonica, Holzforschung, 44, 331-334 (1990).

7) Funada R and Catesson AM: Partial cell wall lysis and the resumption of meristematic activity in Fraxinus excelsior cambium, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Bulletin new series, 12, 439-444 (1991).

8) Funada R, Sugiyama T, Kubo T and Fushitani M: Identification of endogenous cytokinins in the cambial region of Cryptomeria japonica, Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 38, 317-320 (1992).

9) Catesson AM, Funada R, Robert-Baby D, Quinet-Szely M, Chu-Ba J and Goldberg R: Biochemical and cytochemical cell wall changes across the cambial zone, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Journal, 15, 91-101 (1994).

10) Abe H, Funada R, Ohtani J and Fukazawa K: Changes in the arrangement of microtubules and microfibrils in differentiating conifer tracheids during the expansion of cells, Annals of Botany, 75, 305-310 (1995).

11) Prodhan AKMA, Ohtani J, Funada R, Abe H and Fukazawa K: Ultrastructural investigation of tension wood fibre in Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr. var. japonica Maxim., Annals of Botany, 75, 311-317 (1995).

12) Prodhan AKMA, Funada R, Ohtani J, Abe H and Fukazawa K: Orientation of microfibrils and microtubules in developing tension-wood fibres of Japanese ash (Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica), Planta, 196, 577-585 (1995).

13) Abe H, Funada R, Imaizumi H, Ohtani J and Fukazawa K: Dynamic changes in the arrangement of cortical microtubules in conifer tracheids during differentiation, Planta, 197, 418-421 (1995).

14) Yasue K, Funada R, Kondo T, Kobayashi O and Fukazawa K: The effect of climatic factors on the radial growth of Japanese ash in northern Hokkaido, Japan, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 26, 2052-2055 (1996).

15) Habu Y, Fukushima H, Sakata Y, Abe H and Funada R: A gene encoding a major Kunitz proteinase inhibitor of storage organs of winged bean is also expressed in the phloem of stems, Plant Molecular Biology, 32, 1209-1213 (1996).

16) Yasue K, Funada R, Fukazawa K and Ohtani J: The effect of climate on the variation in maximum density of Picea glehnii Mast. and associated changes in tracheid dimensions, Dendrochronologia, 14, 89-97 (1996).

17) Kobayashi O, Funada R, Fukazawa K and Ohtani J: Abrupt growth changes in Norway spruce and Yezo spruce near an industrial district in Hokkaido, Japan, Trees, 11, 183-189 (1997).

18) Abe H, Funada R, Ohtani J and Fukazawa K: Changes in the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils associated with the cessation of cell expansion in tracheids, Trees, 11, 328-332 (1997).

19) Yasue K, Funada R, Fukazawa K and Ohtani J: Tree-ring width and maximum density of Picea glehnii as indicators of climatic changes in northern Hokkaido, Japan, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 27, 1962-1970 (1997).

20) Funada R, Abe H, Furusawa O, Imaizumi H, Fukazawa K and Ohtani J: The orientation and localization of cortical microtubules in differentiating conifer tracheids during cell expansion, Plant and Cell Physiology, 38, 210-212 (1997).

21) 渡辺陽子、深澤和三、小島康夫、船田 良、小名俊博、浅田隆之:ユーカリ材リグニンの不均一性に関する組織化学的研究(第1報)-ポリフェノール類の影響-、木材学会誌、43、102-107 (1997).

22) Kobayashi O, Funada R, Fukazawa K and Ohtani J: A dendrochronological evaluation of the effects of air pollution on the radial growth of Norway spruce, Mokuzai Gakkaishi, 43, 824-831 (1997).

23) Kobayashi O, Funada R, Yasue K and Ohtani J: Evaluation of the effects of climatic and nonclimatic factors on the radial growth of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensis Carr) by dendrochronological methods, Annals des Sciences Forestiers, 55, 277-286 (1998).

24) Furusawa O, Funada R, Murakami Y and Ohtani J: Arrangement of cortical microtubules in compression wood tracheids of Taxus cuspidata visualized by confocal laser microscopy, Journal of Wood Science, 44, 230-233 (1998).

25) Utsumi Y, Sano Y, Fujikawa S, Funada R and Ohtani J: Visualization of cavitated vessels in winter and refilled vessels in spring in diffuse-porous trees by cryo-scanning electron microscopy, Plant Physiology, 117, 1463-1471 (1998).

26) Murakami Y, Funada R, Sano Y and Ohtani J: The differentiation of contact cells and isolation cells in the xylem ray parenchyma of Populus maximowiczii, Annals of Botany, 84, 429-435 (1999).

27) Kitin P, Funada R, Sano Y, Beeckman H and Ohtani J: Variations in the lengths of fusiform cambial cells and vessel elements in Kalopanax pictus, Annals of Botany, 84, 621-632 (1999).

28) Utsumi Y, Sano Y, Funada R, Fujikawa S and Ohtani J: The progression of cavitation in earlywood vessels of Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica during freezing and thawing, Plant Physiology, 121, 897-904 (1999).

29) Uraki Y, Miharu Y, Funada R, Sano Y, Mitsuhashi M, Itoyama K and Tanibe H: Preparation and characterization of alginate-blended rayon, Sen-i Gakkaishi, 56, 482-486 (2000).

30) Yasue K, Funada R, Kobayashi O and Ohtani J: The effects of tracheid dimensions on variations in maximum density of Picea glehnii and relationships to climatic factors, Trees, 14, 223-229 (2000).

31) Koike T, Yazaki T, Funada R, Maruyama Y, Mori S and Sasa K: Forest health and vitality in northern Japan - a history of larch plantation-, University of Joensuu Research Notes, 92, 49-60 (2000).

32) Kitin P, Funada R, Sano Y and Ohtani J: Analysis by confocal microscopy of the structure of cambium in the hardwood Kalopanax pictus, Annals of Botany, 86, 1109-1117 (2000).

33) Kitin P, Sano Y and Funada R: Analysis of cambium and differentiating vessel elements in Kalopanax pictus using resin cast replicas, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Journal, 22, 15-28 (2001).

34) Abe H, Funada R, Kuroda N, Furusawa O, Shibagaki M and Fujii T: Confocal laser scanning microscopy of water uptake during the recovery of compressed and drying-set wood, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Journal, 22, 63-72 (2001).

35) Izuta T, Yamaoka T, Nakaji T, Yonekura T, Yokoyama M, Matsumura H, Ishida S, Yazaki K, Funada R and Koike T: Growth, net photosynthetic rate, nutrient status and secondary xylem anatomical characteristics of Fagus crenata seedlings grown in brown forest soil acidified with H2SO4 solution, Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130, 1007-1012 (2001).

36) Yonekura T, Honda Y, Oksanen E, Yoshidome M, Watanabe M, Funada R, Koike T and Izuta T: The influences of ozone and soil water stress, singly and in combination on leaf gas exchange rates, leaf ultrastructural characteristics and annual ring width of Fagus crenata seedlings, Journal of Japan Society for Atomospheric Environment, 36, 333-352 (2001).

37) Nakamura T, Negishi Y, Funada R and Yamada M: Sedimentable amyloplasts in starch sheath cells of stems of Japanese cherry, Advances in Space Research, 27, 957-960 (2001).

38) Iliev I, Kitin P and Funada R: Morphological and anatomical study of in vitro root formation of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 1, 10-19 (2001).

39) Oribe Y, Funada R, Shibagaki M and Kubo T: Cambial reactivation in the partially heated stem in an evergreen conifer Abies sachalinensis, Planta, 212, 684-691 (2001).

40) Funada R, Kubo T, Tabuchi M, Sugiyama T and Fushitani M: Seasonal variations in endogenous indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid in the cambial region of Pinus densiflora stems in relation to earlywood-latewood transition and cessation of tracheid production, Holzforschung, 55, 128-134 (2001).

41) Yazaki K, Funada R, Mori S, Maruyama Y, Abaimov AP, Kayama M and Koike T: Growth and annual ring structure of Larix sibirica grown at different CO2 concentrations and nutrient supply rates, Tree Physiology, 21, 1223-1229 (2001).

42) Funada R, Miura H, Shibagaki M, Furusawa O, Miura T, Fukatsu E and Kitin P: Involvement of localized cortical microtubules in the formation of modified structure of wood, Journal of Plant Research, 114, 491-498 (2001).

43) Funada R, Kubo T, Sugiyama T and Fushitani M: Changes in levels of endogenous plant hormones in cambial regions of stems of Larix kaempferi at the onset of cambial activity in springtime, Journal of Wood Science, 48, 75-80 (2002).

44) Kitin P, Sano Y and Funada R: Fusiform cells in the cambium of Kalopanax pictus are exclusively mononucleate, Journal of Experimental Botany, 53, 483-488 (2002).

45) Fujikawa K, Inoue Y, Sakai M, Koyama Y, Nishi S, Funada R, Alt FW and Swat W: Vav3 is regulated during cell cycle and effects cell division, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA (PNAS), 99, 4313-4318 (2002).

46) Miyazaki Y, Hiura T, Kato E and Funada R: Allocation of resources to reproduction in Styrax obassia in a masting year, Annals of Botany, 89, 767-772 (2002).

47) Gartner BL, Aloni R, Funada R, Lichtfuss-Gautier N and Roig FA: Clues for dendrochronology from studies of wood structure and function, Dendrochronologia, 20, 753-761 (2002).

48) 内海泰弘、佐野雄三、船田 良、藤川清三:樹木細胞における水分分布の季節変化、低温生物工学会誌、48、49-56(2002).

49) Katayama Y, Mashimo Y, Nishikubo N, Yoshitomi K, Funada R and Kajita S: Immunohistochemical localization of enzymes related to lignin biosynthesis in the primary xylem of hybrid aspen, Journal of Wood Science, 48, 457-466 (2002).

50) Hagiwara Y, Komoda K, Yamanaka T, Tamai A, Meshi T, Funada R, Tsuchiya T, Naito S and Ishikawa M: Subcellular localization of host and viral proteins associated with tobmovirus RNA replication, The EMBO Journal, 22, 344-353 (2003).

51) Utsumi Y, Sano Y, Funada R, Ohtani J and Fujikawa S: Seasonal and perennial changes in the distribution of water in the sapwood of conifers in a subfrigid zone, Plant Physiology, 131, 1826-1833 (2003).

52) Kitin P, Sano Y and Funada R: Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of differentiating secondary xylem by confocal microscopy, IAWA (International Association of Wood Anatomists) Journal, 24, 211-222 (2003).

53) Oribe Y, Funada R and Kubo T: Relationships between cambial activity, cell differentiation and the localization of starch in storage tissues around the cambium in locally heated stems of Abies sachalinensis (Schmidt) Masters, Trees, 17, 185-192 (2003).

54) Sakamoto Y, Yamada Y, Sano Y, Tamai Y and Funada R: Pathological anatomy of nectria canker on Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica , International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Journal, 25, 165-174 (2004).

55) Yoneyama E, Ishimoto-Negishi Y, Sano Y, Funada R, Yamada M and Nakamura T: Morphological changes in woody stem of Prunus jamasakura under simulated microgravity, Biological Sciences in Space, 18, 3-6 (2004).

56) Kitin P, Fujii T, Abe H and Funada R: Anatomy of the vessel network within and between tree-rings of Fraxinus lanuginosa (Oleaceae), American Journal of Botany, 91, 779-788 (2004).

57) Yazaki K, Ishida S, Kawagishi T, Fukatsu E, Maruyama Y, Kitao M, Tobita H, Koike T and Funada R: Effects of elevated CO2 on growth, annual ring structure and photosynthesis in Larix kaempferi seedlings, Tree Physiology, 24, 941-949 (2004).

58) Watanabe Y, Kojima Y, Ona T, Asada T, Sano Y, Fukazawa K and Funada R: Histochemical Study on Heterogeneity of Lignin in Eucalyptus Species II. The distribution of lignins and polyphenols in the walls of various types of cell, International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Journal, 25, 283-295 (2004).

59) Eguchi N, Fukatsu E, Funada R, Tobita H, Kitao M, Maruyama Y and Koike T: Changes in morphology, anatomy and photosynthetic capacity of needles of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) seedlings grown in high CO2 concentrations, Photosynthetica, 42, 173-178 (2004).

60) Izuta T, Yamaoka T, Nakaji T, Yonekura T, Yokoyama M, Funada R, Koike T and Totsuka T: Growth, net photosynthetic rate and leaf nutrient status of Fagus crenata seedlings grown in brown forest soil acidified with H2SO4 or HNO3 solution, Trees, 18, 677-685 (2004).

61) Kitin P, Iliev I, Scaltsoyiannes A, Nellas H, Rubos A and Funada R: A comparative histological study between normal and fasciated shoots of Prunus avium L. generated in vitro, Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 82, 141-150 (2005).

62) Nemoto J, Uraki Y, Kishimoto T, Sano Y, Funada R, Obata N, Yabu H, Tanaka M and Shimomura M: Production of mesoscopically patterned cellulose film, Bioresource Technology, 96, 1955-1958 (2005).

63) Eguchi N, Funada R, Ueda T, Hiura T, Sasa K, Takagi K and Koike T: Soil moisture condition and growth of deciduous tree seedlings native to northern Japan grown under elevated CO2 with a FACE system, Phyton, 45, 133-138 (2005).

64) Watanabe Y, Sano Y, Asada T and Funada R: Histochemical study of the chemical composition of vestured pits in two species of Eucalyptus. International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Journal, 27, 33-43 (2006).

65) Nakagawa, R., Ogita, S., Kubo, T., Funada, R.: Effect of polyamines and L-ornithine on the development of proembryogenic masses of Cryptomeria japonica, Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 85, 229-234 (2006).

66) Nakaba S, Sano Y, Kubo T, and Funada R: The positional distribution of cell death of ray parenchyma in a conifer, Abies sachalinensis, Plant Cell Reports, 25, 1143-1148 (2006).

67) Shoji M, Sato H, Nakagawa R, Funada R, Kubo T and Ogita S: Influence of osmotic pressure on somatic embryo maturation in Pinus densiflora, Journal of Forest Research, 11, 449-453 (2006).

68) Dünisch O, Fladung M, Nakaba S, Watanabe Y and Funada R: Influence of overexpression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene on the kinetics of xylem cell development in hybrid poplar (Populus tremula L. and P. tremuloides Michx.), Holzforschung, 60, 608-617 (2006).

69) Miyazaki Y, Hiura T and Funada R: Allocation of photoassimilated 13C from reproductive and non-reproductive shoots to the fruit of the angiosperm tree Styrax obassia, Plant Species Biology, 22, 53-57 (2007).

70) Yamaguchi M, Watanabe M, Matsuo N, Naba J, Funada R, Fukami M, Matsumura H, Kohno Y and Izuta T: Effects of nitrogen supply on the sensitivity to O3 of growth and photosynthesis of Japanese beach (Fagus crenata) seedlings, Water, Air and Soil Pollution,7, 131-136 (2007).

71) Watanabe M, Yamaguchi M, Tabe C, Iwasaki M, Yamashita R, Funada R, Fukami M, Matsumura H, Kohno Y and Izuta T: Influences of nitrogen load on the growth and photosynthetic responses of Quercus serrata seedlings to O3, Trees, 21, 421-432 (2007).

72) Nishikubo N, Awano T, Banasiak A, Bourquin V, Ibatullin F, Funada R, Brumer H, Teeri TT, Hayashi T, Sundberg B and  Mellerowicz EJ: Xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase (XET) functions in gelatinous layers of tension wood fibers in poplar — A glimpse into the mechanism of the balancing act of trees, Plant and Cell Physiology, 48, 843-855 (2007).

73) Begum S, Nakaba S, Oribe Y, Kubo T and Funada, R.: Induction of cambial reactivation by localized heating in a deciduous hardwood hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata), Annals of Botany, 100, 439-447 (2007).

74) Eguchi N, Mori N, Ueda T, Funada R, Takagi K, Hiura T, Sasa K and Koike T.: Changes in petiole hydraulic structure and leaf water flow in birch and oak saplings in an enhanced CO2 environment, Tree Physiology, 28, 287-295 (2008).

75) Bayramzadeh V, Funada R and Kubo T: Relationships between vessel element anatomy and physiological as well as morphological traits of leaves in Fagus crenata seedlings originating from different provenances, Trees, 22, 217-224 (2008).

76) Nakagawa R, Ogita S, Watanabe U, Kubo T and Funada R: Morphological features of proembryogenic masses in relation to the ability of somatic embryo formation in conifers, Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 8, 50-52 (2008).

77) Watanabe Y, Tobita H, Kitao M, Maruyama Y, Choi D, Sasa K, Funada R and Koike T: Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen on wood structure related to water transport in seedlings of two deciduous broad-leaved tree species, Trees, 22, 403-411 (2008).

78) Eguchi N, Karatsu K, Ueda T, Funada R, Takagi K, Hiura T, Sasa K and Koike T: Photosynthetic responses of birch and alder saplings grown in a free air CO2 enrichment system in northern Japan . Trees, 22, 437-447 (2008).

79) Funada R, Miura T, Shimizu Y, Kinase T, Nakaba S, Kubo T and Sano Y: Gibberellin-induced formation of tension wood in angiosperm trees, Planta, 227, 1409-1414 (2008).

80) Nakaba S, Kubo T and Funada R: The different pattern of cell death between ray parenchyma cells and ray tracheids in conifers, Trees 22, 623-630 (2008).

81) Nakaba S, Yoshimoto J, Kubo T and Funada R: Morphological changes in the cytoskeleton, nuclei and vacuoles during the cell death of short-lived ray tracheids in the conifer Pinus densiflora, Journal of Wood Science, 54, 509-514 (2008).

82) Begum S, Nakaba S, Bayramzadeh V, Oribe Y, Kubo T and Funada R: Responses to ambient temperature of cambial reactivation and xylem differentiation in hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata) under natural conditions, Tree Physiology 28, 1813-1819 (2008).

83) 朴 仁善、船田 良、近藤 晋、梶田真也、久保隆文:ホオノキの葉柄および成熟種子由来のカルスにおけるマグノロールの定量、木材学会誌55163-169 (2009).

84) Kitin P, Beeckman H, Fujii T, Funada R, Noshiro S and Abe H: What is disjunctive xylem parenchyma? A case study of the African tropical hardwood Okoubaka aubrevillei (Santalaceae), American Journal of Botany, 96, 1399-1408 (2009).

85) Begum S, Nakaba S, Oribe Y, Kubo T and Funada R: Cambial sensitivity to rising temperatures by natural condition and artificial heating from late winter to early spring in the evergreen conifer Cryptomeria japonica, Trees, 24, 43-52 (2010).

86) Sato K, Suzuki R, Nishikubo N, Takenouchi S, Ito S, Nakano Y, Nakaba N, Sano Y, Funada, R, Kajita S, Kitano H and Katayama Y: Isolation of a novel cell wall architecture mutant of rice with defective Arabidopsis COBL4 ortholog BC1 required for regulated deposition of secondary cell wall components, Planta 232,257-270 (2010).

87) Watanabe Y, Satomura T, Sasa K, Funada R and Koike T: Differential anatomical responses to elevated CO2 in saplings of four hardwood species, Plant Cell & Environments, 33, 1101-1111 (2010).

88) Akhtar N, Yamaguchi M, Inada H, Hoshino D, Kondo T, Fukami M, Funada R and Izuta T: Effects of ozone on growth, yield and leaf gas exchange rates of four Bangladeshi cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Environmental Pollution, 158, 2970-2976 (2010).

89) Nasrin Z, Yoshikawa M, Nakamura Y, Begum S, Nakaba S, Uesugi M, Osakabe Y, Sonoki T, Sato K, Funada R, Iimura Y, Katayama Y and Kajita S:
Overexpression of a fungal laccase gene induces non-dehiscent anthers and morphological changes in flowers of transgenic tobacco, Journal of Wood Science, 56, 460-469 (2010).

90) Begum S, Nakaba S, Oribe Y, Kubo T and Funada R: Changes in the localization and levels of starch and lipids in cambium and phloem during cambial reactivation by artificial heating of main stems of Cryptomeria japonica trees, Annals of Botany, 106, 885-895 (2010).

91) Nakaba S, Kubo T and Funada R: Nuclear DNA fragmentation during cell death of short-lived ray tracheids in the conifer Pinus densiflora, Journal of Plant Research, 124,379-384 (2011).

92) Nakagawa R, Kurushima M, Matsui M, Nakamura R, Kubo T and Funada R: Polyamines promote development of embryonal-suspensor masses and formation of somatic embryos in Picea glehnii, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 47, 480-487 (2011).

93) Park IS, Koiso M, Morimoto S, Kubo T, Jin HO and Funada R: Plant regeneration by somatic embryogenesis from mature seeds of Magnolia obovata, Journal of Wood Science 58, 64-68 (2012).

94) Begum S, Furusawa O, Shibagaki M, Nakaba S, Yamagishi Y, Yoshimoto J, Jin HO, Sano Y and Funada R: Cold stability of microtubules in wood-forming tissues of conifers during seasons of active and dormant cambium, Planta 235, 165-179 (2012).

95) Nakaba S, Yamagishi Y, Sano Y and Funada R: Temporally and spatially controlled death of parenchyma cells is involved in heartwood formation in pith regions of branches of Robinia pseudoacacia L. var. inermis, Journal of Wood Science 58, 69-76 (2012).

96) Saito K, Watanabe Y, Shirakawa M, Matsushita Y, Imai T, Koike T, Sano Y, Funada R, Fukazawa K and Fukushima, K.: Direct mapping of morphological distribution of syringyl and guaiacyl lignin in the xylem of maple by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, Plant Journal 69, 542-552 (2012).

97) Nakaba S, Begum S, Yamagishi Y, Jin HO, Kubo T and Funada R: Differences in the timing of cell death, differentiation and function among three different types of ray parenchyma cells in the hardwood Populus sieboldii x P. grandidentata, Trees 26, 743-750 (2012).

98) Nugroho WD, Marsoem SN, Yasue K, Fujiwara T, Nakajima T, Hayakawa M, Nakaba S, Yamagishi Y, Jin HO, Kubo T and Funada R: Radial variations in the anatomical characteristics and density of the wood of Acacia mangium of five different provenances in Indonesia, Journal of Wood Science, 58, 185-194 (2012).

99) Begum S, Nakaba S, Yamagishi Y, Yamane K, Islam Md A, Oribe Y, Ko JH, Jin HO and Funada R: A rapid decrease in temperature induces latewood formation in artificially reactivated cambium of conifer stems, Annals of Botany, 110, 875-885 (2012).

100) Nugroho WD, Yamagishi Y, Nakaba S, Fukuhara S, Begum S, Marsoem SN, Ko JH, Jin HO and Funada R: Gibberellin is required for the formation of tension wood and stem gravitropism in Acacia mangium seedlings, Annals of Botany, 110, 887-895 (2012).

101) Yamaguchi M, Otani Y, Takeda K, Lenggoro IW, Ishida A, Yazaki K, Noguchi K, Sase H, Murao N, Nakaba S, Yamane K, Kuroda K, Sano Y, Funada R and Izuta T: Effects of long-term exposure to black carbon particles on growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenataCastanopsis sieboldiiLarix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 6, 259-267 (2012).

102) Sato-Izawa K, Nakaba S, Tamura K, Yamagishi Y, Nakano Y, Nishikubo N, Kawai S, Kajita S, Ashikari M, Funada R, Katayama Y and Kitano H: DWARF50 (D50), a rice (Oryza sativa L.) gene encoding inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase, is required for proper development of intercalary meristem, Plant Cell & Environments, 35, 2031-2044 (2012).

103) Yamagishi Y, Sato T, Uchiyama H, Yoshimoto J, Nakagawa R, Nakaba S, Kubo T and Funada R: Tracheary elements that resemble secondary xylem in calli derived from the conifers, Torreya nucifera and Cryptomeria japonica, Journal of Wood Science, 58, 557-562 (2012).

104)Yamane K, Nakaba S, Yamaguchi M, Kuroda K, Sano Y, Lenggoro IW, Izuta T and Funada R: Visualization of artificially deposited submicron-sized aerosol particles on the surfaces of leaves and needles in trees, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment , 6, 275-280 (2013).

105)  Nakada Y, Nakaba S, Matsunaga H, Funada R and Yoshida M: Visualization of the mycelia of wood rotting fungi by fluorescence in situ hybridization using a peptide nucleic acid probe, Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry (2013, in press).

106) Yamagishi Y, Yoshimoto J, Uchiyama H, Nabeshima E, Nakaba S, Watanabe U and Funada R: In vitro induction of secondary xylem-like tracheary elements in calli of hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii × P. grandidentata), Planta, (2013, in press).

107) Nakaba S, Sano Y and Funada R: Disappearance of microtubules, nuclei and starch during cell death of ray parenchyma in Abies sachalinensis, IAWA Journal (2013, in press)

3)学内紀要・報告(Bulletins) 7編

1) 船田 良、久保隆文:樹冠量の異なったスギの年輪構造及びその形成(第6報)-地上高部位による変化-、東京農工大学農学部演習林報告、21、93-100 (1985).

2) 船田 良、久保隆文、伏谷賢美:異なった地上高部位におけるスギの晩材幅、晩材仮道管形態、東京農工大学農学部演習林報告、22、9-15 (1986).

3) 安江 恒、船田 良、野田真人、深沢和三:北海道大学天塩地方演習林に生育するアカエゾマツの年輪気候学的解析、北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告、51、243-266 (1994).

4) 船田 良、堀田らん司、小林 修、安江 恒、深沢和三:樹冠活性の異なるヨーロッパトウヒの年輪構造及び年輪形成、北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告、52、1-11 (1995).

5) 船田 良、近藤健彦、小林 修、安江 恒、深沢和三:軟X線デンシトメトリーによるヤチダモ天然木の年輪解析、北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告、52、12-21 (1995).

6) Koike T, Yazaki K, Funada R, Kitao M, Maruyama Y, Takahashi K, Maximov TC and Ivanov BI: Photosynthetic characteristics of dahurian larch, scots pine, and white birch seedlings native to eastern siberian raised under elevated CO2, Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 1, 31-37 (2000).

7) Qu L, Quoreshi MA, Iwase K, Tamai Y, Funada R and Koike T: In vitro ectoTmycorrhizae formation on two larch species of seedlings with six different fungal species, Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 6, 65-73 (2003).