

仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜仜搶嫗擾岺戝妛 暁尒尋媶幒

Welcome to Fushimi Laboratory!
Chemical Energy Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering (Graduate School of Engineering)
Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering (School of Engineering)
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Our laboratyry has been established in 2011 and has started research since April 2012.

*Our laboratory belongs to
1) Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
(Graduate students who entered TUAT in 2023 or after)
(#Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate students who entered TUAT in 2022 or before).
2) Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering
(Undergraduate students who entered TUAT in 2019 or after)
(#Department of Chemcial Engineering, Undergraduate students who entered TUAT in 2018 or before)


丂丂丂Download Poster in 2023 (English)

Lab News (After April 2014)

仜F.Y. 2024

Sep. 2024   presentations D1 M.I.Aoki (2 presentations),
M2 T. Suzuki
M1 R. Tanaka
55th Autumn Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engieerers, Japan (Hokkaido University)
Aug. 2024  Paper Publication  Mr. R. Kodate M.S.thesis,
Dr. R. Ukawa-Sato
International Joint research paper with University of British Columbia (Canada) has been accepted in Cleaner Environmental Systems (Elsevier) 
Aug. 2024  presentation  C. Fushimi  10th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation Towards Sustainable Transition (Tohok u University, Sendai, Japan)
Aug. 2024  presentation  M1. R. Kanazawa  33rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Institute of Energy
July 2024  Paper Publication  D1 M. Aoki  Joint research paper with Nagoya University has been accepted in Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier) 
June 2024  Invited Talk  C. Fushimi  Division of Recycle and Environment, and Divition of Biomass, Joint Symposium, Japana Institute of Energy 
May 2024  Invited Talk  C. Fushimi  Kansai Branch, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan 
May 2024  New members 1 undergraduate junior student Joined
April 2024 New member  Dr. Ryuta X. Suzuki Joined
April 2024 New members 4 undergraduate senior students Joined

仜F.Y. 2023

March 2024 Graduation 1 Ph.D. student Ph.D. degree
  Graduation 1 master student M.S. degree
Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award D3 R. Satoi Prize: Good academic record award for ph.D. student, Graduate School of BioApplications and Systems Engineering.
March 2024 Presentations  D3 R. Sato
D1 N. Hirano
M2 R. Kodate 
89th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engieers of Japan (Osaka Metropolitan University)
March 2024  Presentation  D1 N. Hirano  74th Annual Meering of Japan Wood Research Society in Kyoto 
March 2024 Presentation  C. Fushimi  Symposium on biomass utilization (Hirosaki University) 
Jan. 2024   D3 R. Sato  Talks with the Ministor of Education Japan 
Dec. 2023  Paper Publication  M2 M. Aoki Joint reserch paper with Hokkaido University has been published in Materials Advances.
Dec. 2023  Presentations  D1 N. Hirano
M1 T. Suzuki 
19th  Biomass Science Symposium, Japan Institute of Energy (Akita City)
Nov.2023  Presentation  D1 N. Hirano  AIChE Annual Meeting 2023 (Orlando, FL, USA) 
Nov.2023  Presentation  C. Fushimi  60th Meeting regarding powder technologies (Tokyo) 
Oct. 2023  Invited talk  C. Fushimi  Technology Infomation Center seminar (Tokyo) 
Oct. 2023  Presentation  C. Fushimi International joint meeting with University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu, USA) in TUAT campus 
Oct. 2023  New members 4 Underdraduate students  Joined 
Oct. 2023  Paper Publication  Mr. T. Yasui M.S.thesis,
M2 M. Aoki,
Dr. T. Uchino
Accepted in ACS Engineering Au
July 2023  Guest Professor    From Curtin University (Australia) 
May 2023  2 Oral Presentations  C. Fushimi  Fluidization XVII 
April 2023  Poster    Revised 
April 2023  Press Release  D3 R. Sato
D1 N. Hirano
C. Fushimi 
 Research Achievment
(in TUAT page, in Japanese)
April 2023 C. Fushimi Deparment Head (F.Y. 2023) , Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering, Graduate School and School of Engineering
April 2023 New members 1 M.S.. student,
3 undergraduate students

仜F.Y. 2022

March 2023 Graduation 1 Ph.D. student Ph.D. degree
  Graduation 2 master students M.S. degrees
Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award M2 T. Yasui Silver prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
March 2023  Presentations  M2 N. Hirano,
T. Yasui 
88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan 
March 2023  Invited Talk D2 R. Ukawa-Sato  88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan 
March 2023  Invited Talk C. Fushimi  China-Japan Symposium on Chemical Engineering in 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan 
March 2023  Invited Talk  C. Fushimi  7th Global Energy Meet 
Feb. 2023  Paper Publication  D2 R. Ukawa-Sato,
M2 N. Hirano 
Accepted in Chemical Engineering Research and Design (Q2)
Jan. 2023  Paper Publication  D1 T. Uchino,
M2. T. Yasui 
Accepted in Journal of Energy Storage (Q1)
Dec. 2022  Invited Lecture  C. Fushimi  Graduate School of Science and Technology, Meiji University 
Dec. 2022  Presentations  M2 N. Hirano
C. Fushimi 
18th Biomass Science Symposium
Oct. 2022  New members 3 Underdraduate students  Joined 
Sep. 2022  Grant Adoption  D2 R. Sato  Adopted JSPS Fellowship (DC2) 
Sep. 2022  Presentations  M2 T. Yasui
M1 M. Aoki 
53rd Autum Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan
Sep. 2022  Invited Presentation  C. Fushimi  53rd Autumn Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan, Special Symposium 
Aug. 2022  Paper Publication  Mr. R. Murakoshi
M.S. Thesis 
Accepted in Journal of Energy Storage (Q1)
Aug. 2022  Presentation   D2 R. Sato Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering 2022 (APCChE 2022) 
Aug. 2022  Presentations  D2 R. Sato
M1 M. Aoki
31st Annual Meeting of the Japan Institute of Energy
April 2022 New member  Joined
April 2022 New members 1 Ph.D. student,
3 undergraduate students

仜F.Y. 2021

March 2022 Award  C. Fushimi  Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Award 
March 2021 Graduation 1 master student M.S. degrees
  Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Mar. 2022  Invited Lecture  C. Fushimi  Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
 Feb. 2022 Plenary Lecture C. Fushimi  Symposium of Biomass Industrial City Promotion
 Jan. 2022 Presentation  M2 K. Hasegawa ACBS2021 (9th Asian Conference on Biomass Science)
 Nov. 2021 Presentation  D1 R. Ukawa-Sato  10th Joint Conference on Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology (JCEN 2021),
 Oct. 2021 Presentation  C. Fushimi 8th Asia Particle Technology Symposium, APT 2021
 Sept. 2021 Presentation  M1 T. Yasui 52nd Annual Meeting of the Soeicty of Chemiacl Engineers. Japan
 Aug. 2021 Paper Publication D1 R. Sato Accepted in Journal of Chemiacl Engineering of Japan (Q4)
Aug. 2021 Plenary
 C. Fushimi  30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Institute of Energy
June 2021 website   Updated poster
May 2021 Paper Publication Mr. T. Uchino乫s M.S. Thesis
M1 T. Yasui B.S. Thesi
Accepted in Energy Conversion and Management (Q1)
 April 2021 New member Ms. Kyoko KAWAKATSu Joined
 April 2021 New members 3 undergraduate students Joined

仜F.Y. 2020

March 2021 Dr. Yoshiko YAMAMURA  Resigned
March 2021 Paper Publication Mr. T. Uchino乫s M.S. Thesis  Accepted in Chemical Engiineering Journal (Q4)
March 2021 Graduation 3 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  2 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award M2 K. Fujii Silver prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
Award M2 R. Murakoshi Bronze prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
 Feb. 2021  Presentation   C. Fushimi  5th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
 Feb. 2021  Review Paper Publication  C. Fushimi Our review paper has been published in Energy & Fuels (Q2)
 Feb. 2021  Selected Paper C. Fushimi,
K. Yato 
Our review paper published in KONA Powder and Particle Journal has been selected as "Selected Paper". 
 Jan. 2021 Award  M2 K. Fujii  Excellent paper award in ACBS2020 (8th Asian Conference on Biomass Science)
Jan. 2021  Presentation  M2 K. Fujii
M2 R. Murakoshi
ACBS2020 (8th Asian Conference on Biomass Science)
Dec. 2020  Invited Talk  C. Fushimi  International Symposium on Fuel and Energy 2020, Hiroshima (online) 
 Dec. 2020 Promotion  C. Fushimi  Promoted to Full Professor 
 Nov. 2020 Presentation  M2. T. Uchino  26th SCEJ Symposium on Fluidization & Particle Processing
 Oct. 2020 Grant Adoption C. Fushimi Adopted in JFE 21st Century Foundation, University Research Aid Projects 2020
 Sep. Presentation  C. Fushimi  Autumn Meeting of the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan 
 Aug. 2020 Presentation  M2 R. Sato  International Conference on Biomass and Bioenergy 2020 
 July 2020 Paper publication  Ms. M. Yazaki乫s M.S. Thesis  Accepted in Energy & Fuels  (Q2)
 July 2020 Paper publication C. Fushimi Joint reserch paper with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology has been accepted in Powder Technology.
  Paper publication C. Fushimi Joint reserch paper with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology has been published in Advanced Powder Technology.
May 2020 website   Updated research topics and poster
April 2020 New members 2 undergraduate students Joined

仜F.Y. 2019

March 2020 Graduation 2 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
March 2020 Paper publication Mr. R. Usami乫s M.S. Thesis
Published in ACS Omega (Q2)
March 2020  Paper publication   C. Fushimi  Joint reserch paper with Curtin University has been accepted in Fuel.
March 2020 Presentation B4 Putri
B4 Hasegawa
Presentaions in 22nd Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan, Student Conference
February 2020 Award  C. Fushimi  Japan Institute of Energy, Progress Award (Academic) 
December 2019 Presentation丒Award  M2丂M. Yazakii
C. Fushimi
Poster presentaion and received Poster Award in 15th Biomass Science Conference 乮Koriyama乯
December 2019 Presentation M1 R. Sato 7th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies 
November 2019 Paper publication C. Fushimi Joint reserch paper with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology has been accepted in Chemical Engineering Science
November 2019 Presentation  B4 K. Hasegawa,
M1 T. Uchino, R. Murakoshi
D4 S.N. Ismail
Y. Sakai,
C. Fushimi
25th SCEJ Symposium on Fluidization & Particle Processing
November 2019 Presentation  C. Fushimi  Invited Talk in AIChE Annual Meeting 2019 (Orlando, FL, USA) 
September 9 Review Paper  M2 K. Yato, C. Fushimi Our review paper has been accepted in KONA Powder and Particle Jounal (Q3) 
September 2019  Presentation, Award  M1 R. Sato   Presented in APCChE 2019 student poster session, Impact Award 
September 2019 Presentation, Award  B4 Hasegawa, Putri, Ulfah 亄
M1 R. Sato
Presented in Process Design Contest,
Received 4 Awards 
May 2019 Paper Publication  Mr. Y. Furusawa乫s M.S. Thesis,
Ms. H. Taguchi's M. S. Theses,
D3 Siti, Sivasakthivel T.
Published in Fuel Processing Technology.(Q1)
May 2019 website   Updated research topics
April 2019 Paper Publication  C. Fushimi  Joint reserch paper with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology has been accepted in Chemical Engineering Science
April 2019 New member  Dr. Yuka Sakai Joined
April 2019 New members 3 undergraduate students Joined

仜F.Y. 2018

March 2019 Graduation 3 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  4 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award M2 Furusawa First prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
Award M2 Usami Second prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
Award B4 Sato First prize of Bachelor Thesis Presentation Award in our department
March 2019 Presentation M2 Usami
M2 Koyama
B4 Sato
Poster presentations in 50th SCEJ Annual Meeting (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo)
Jan. 2019  Grant adoption  Fushimi  Adopted in Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (A)) (Kakenhi Kokusai A) 
Jan. 2019 Paper publication Ms. Tachibana乫s M.S. Thesis Published in International Journal of Sustainable Biomass and Bioenergy
Jan. 2019 Award M1 Yazaki  Best Poster Award, in our graduate school
Dec. 2018 Presentation  M2 Furusawa  Poster presentation in 24th SCEJ Symposium on Fluidization & Particle Processing (Tokyo) 
Nov. 2018  Presentation  Fushimi  Oral presentaion in English in 6th ASCON-IEEChE乮Taiwan乯
Oct. 2018 New member Dr. Vasquez Mauro  Joined
Sep. 2018 Presentation  M2 Furusawa  Oral presentations in 50th Autumnl Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan. (Kagoshima University)
    Fushimi Oral presentations in 50th Autumnl Meeting of The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan. (Kagoshima University)
Sep. 2018 Presentation B4 students  Prizes in Process Desing Contest.
Aug. 2018  Presentations  D2 Siti
M1 Yazaki 
Oral presentaions in 27th Annual Meeting of The Japan Institute of Energy (Nihon University, Japan)
Aug. 2018  Paper publication  Mr. Yonamine乫s B.S. Thesis Accepted in Energy Conversion and Management
Aug. 2018  Presentation and award  Fushimi Oral presentaion and the Best Scientific Paper Award (1st out of 101 papers!) in 3rd International Conference on Biomass (Bogor, Indonesia
June 2018  Paper publication  Fushimi and Joint reserch paper with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology  Accepted in Powder Technology
April 2018  Transfer  Dr. Sivasakthivel Thangavel  To The University of the West of England as a senior lecturer
April 2019 New members 4 undergraduate students Joined

仜F.Y. 2017

March 2018 Graduation 4 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award B4 Yazaki Third prize of Bachelor Thesis Presentation Award in our department
March 2018 Presentation M2 Yonamine Poster presentaions in 83rd Annual Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan (Kansai University乯
Feb. 2018 Paper publication Mr. Tomita's M.S. Thesis and M. Yazaki (B4) Accepted in Journal of Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineer
Jan. 2018  Presentation and award M2 C. Tachibana Poster presentaion and received Poster Award in 13th Biomass Science Conference 乮Sendai乯
Jan. 2018 Paper publication Ms. Tachibana's and Mr. Tomita's B.S. Theses Accepted in Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
Dec. 2017  Paper publication S. Thangavel,
D2 S. N. Ismail,
M2 Kobayashi,
M1 Koyama
Accepted in Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan
Dec. 2017 Presentation and award  M2 Taguchi  Poster presentaion and received Good Poster Award in 23rd Fluidization and Particle Processing Symposium (Hamamatsu乯
Dec. 2017  Presentation  D2 Siti  Oral presentation in Third 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies.
Aug. 2017  Paper publication  Fushimi andJoint reserch with Hirosaki University, and Taiyuan University of Technology Published in Powder Technology.
Aug. 2017  Presentation  Fushimi  Oral presentation in SCEJ Regional Meeting in TOKYO 2017 (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Aug. 2017  Presentation Fushimi Oral presentation in 7th Asian Particle Technology Symposium (APT 2017) in Taoyuan, Taiwan
July 2017  Paper publication  Mr. Okuyama乫s and Ms. Fukushima's M.S. Theses,
Mr. Tanimura's,
Ms. Kobayashi's and Ms. Koyama's B.S. theses,
Published in Fuel Processing Technology
May 2017  Presentation  Dr. Sivasakthivel   Oral presentation in Third International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering (MMPE 2017) in Toyama, Japan
April 2017  Paper publication  Mr. Hoya乫s Master Thesis, Accepted in Fuel Processing Technology
April 2017 Grant Adoption  Fushimi  Adoptedin Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B (Kakenhi Kiban B)
April 2017  Paper publication  Fushimi and joint reserch with Hirosaki University Published in Energy Conversion and Management
April 2017 New members 3 undergraduate students Joined

仜F.Y. 2016

March 2017 Graduation 2 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
March 2017 Book chapter publication Fushimi Book Chapter regarding coal gasification has been published by Elsevier.
March 2017 Presentation M2 Tomita
M1 Yonamine
B4 Usami
B4 Koyama
Poster presentations in 82nd Annual Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan (Shibaura Institute of Technology
March 2017 Presentation B4 Usami
B4 Koyama
B4 Furusawa
Oral presentaions in 19th Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan, Student Conference乮TUAT Koganei乯
Dec. 2016 Presentation and award M1 Kobayashi Poster presentaion and got Good Poster Awardin 22nd Fluidization and Particle Processing Symposium乮Tokyo)
Nov. 2016  Presentation  M1 Tachibana
M1 Kobayashi 
Oral presentaions in English in ASCON-IEEChE乮Yokohama乯 
Nov. 2016  Presentation  M1 Yonamine  Poster in36th HESS conference乮Tokyo乯
Nov. 2016  New member  1 Ph.D. student  Joined 
Oct. 2016  Presentation  M2 Hoya  Oral presentation in 53rd Coal Science Conference in Japan (Fukuyama)
Oct. 2016  Paper publication  Mr. Umeda乫s M.S. Thesis Published in Energy & Fuels
Oct. 2016  Grant adoption  Fushimi  Adopted in Next Generation Project Support Program in TUAT
Sep. 2016  Grant adoption  Fushimi  Adopted in JFE 21st Century Foundation, University Research Aid Projects 2016
Sep. 2016  Presentation  M1 Tachibana  Oral presentation in 48th Autumn Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers Japan (Tokushima University, Tokushima)
  Invited presentation  Fushimi  In the seminar of Research Group of Utilization of Carbonaceous Resources, Division of Energy Engineering, The Society of Chemical Engineers. Japan.
Sep. 2016  Article Publication  Fushimi  Article on  "Liquid fuel production from microalgae-Present status and Future development-" published in Kagaku Kougaku. http://scej.org/k/80/09/0580.pdf (in Japanese, SCEJ members only乯
Aug. 2016  Invited presentation  Fushimi  In the seminar of small-scale biomass utilization (Kanazawa city)
July 2016  Presentation Fushimi  Oral presentation in 5th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics (Inverness, Scotland).
July 2016  New member  Dr. Yoshiko Yamamura  Joined
May 2016  Visitor    Professor at University of British Columbia (Canada) visited our lab.
April 2016  Visitor    Faculties at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM, Malaysia) visited our lab.
April 2016  New members  Dr. Sivasakthivel Thangavel (JSPS fellow) and
3 undergraduate students 

仜F.Y. 2015

March 2016 Graduation 3 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  4 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
Award M2 Umeda Second prize of Master Thesis Presentation Award in our department.
March 2016 Presentations B4 Kobayashi
B4 Yonamine
Poster presentations in 81th Annual Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers Japan (Kansai University, Osaka).
Presentation Fushimi Oral presentation in 81th Annual Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers Japan (Kansai University, Osaka).
March 2016 Paper publication Ms. Kakimura乫s M.S. Thesis Published in Fuel Processing Technology
Jan. 2016 Presentation M2 Umeda Poster presentation in 11th Biomass Science Conference (Niigata).
Dec. 2015 Presentation  Fushimi  Oral presentation in PacifiChem 2015 (Honolulu, HI, USA).
Dec. 2015  Presentation  M1 Hoya  Oral presentation in International Conference on Power Engineering 2015 (Yokohama).
Oct. 2015  Presentation  M1 Hoya
M1 Tanimura 
Oral presentations in 52nd Coal Science Conference (Ise, Mie). 
Oct. 2015  Presentation  M2 Fukushima
M1 Hoya 
Poster presentations in The 3rd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program (Shonan, Kanagawa).
Oct. 2015  Visitors    7 young Chinese researchers visited our lab. by JST Sakura Science Program.
Oct. 2015  Paper publication  Ms. Wahyu Narulita Dewi乫s B.S. Thesis Published in Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan.
Sep.-Oct. 2015  Presentations  Fushimi  Two oral presentations in Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering and International Symposium on Coal Science and Technology (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)
Aug. 2015  Presentation  Fushimi  Oral presentation in Annual Meeting of The Japan Institute of Energy (Sapporo)
April 2015  New members  4 undergraduate students  Joined


March 2015 Graduation 2 master students M.S. degrees
  Graduation  3 undergraduate students  B.S. degrees 
March 2015 Presentations M2 Okuyama
M2 Kakimura
B4 Tanimura
B4 Tomita
B4 Hoya
Poster presentations in 80th Annual Meeting of Society of Chemical Engineers Japan (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo).
Jan. 2015 Presentation Fushimi Oral presentation in 31st Conference on Energy System, Economics, Environment (Tokyo).
Jan. 2015 Presentation Fushimi Oral presentation in 10th Biomass Science Conference (Tsukuba).
Oct. 2014 Presentation M2 Okuyama Poster presentation in The 2nd Joint Meeting of Strategic Japanese-Chinese Joint Research Program (Taiyuan, Shanxi, China).
July 2014 Presentation Fushimi Two oral presentations in Annual Meeting of The Japan Institute of Energy (Fukuoka)
June 2014  Presentation  Fushimi  Poster presentation in 4th International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels & Bioproducts (Santa Fe, NM, USA).
June 2014  Paper Publication  Mr. Fukui乫s B.S. Thesis Published in Drying Technology
April 2014  Grant adoption  Fushimi  Adopted in Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B (Kakenhi Kiban B)
April 2014  New members  1 master student
3 undergraduate students 

Oct. 1, 2024
Updated Conference Presentations
Oct. 30, 2012
Uploaded our website (in Japanese)

Fushimi Laboratory, TUAT

2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei. Tokyo, 184-8588, Japan
TEL/FAX 81-42-388-7062
E-mail: cfushimi at cc.wxanhx.com
