
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Technology Staff Recruitment Guide (Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporation Staff Recruitment Examination Second Examination Guide)

This is information about staff recruitment. We have started accepting reservations for the first selection process (group interview). (Updated July 25, 2024)

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Staff Recruitment Information

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Technology Staff Recruitment Second Examination Information Session

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology (National University Corporation) will hold an online information session for the recruitment of administrative staff for the 2024 academic year as follows.

Date and Time Saturday, July 27, 2024
Name of the information session FY2024 Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations and Other Personnel Recruitment Information Session (Online)
time 1st session: 10:50-11:20
2nd session: 11:40-12:10
3rd session: 13:20-13:50
4th session: 14:10-14:40
way to participate Please check the URL in the notes.
remarks The materials for the joint information session held on July 27, 2024 (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Recruitment Guide for FY2024) are available here. For details, please see the following URL.
Kanto-Shinetsu campus National University Corporation Staff Recruitment Examination URL: https://ssj.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/9471/


Date and Time Thursday, July 18, 2024 *Ended
Name of the information session Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Recruitment Information Session for 2024 (Online)
time 1st session: 11:00-11:45
2nd session: 13:00-13:45
3rd session: 14:00-14:45
Who can participate Candidates for the 2024 Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations Staff Recruitment Examination (First Examination) (Administrative Category)
outline This will be an online talk (via Zoom) for candidates taking the administrative category of the Kanto Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations and other University Staff Recruitment Examination (First Examination) held on Sunday, July 7, 2024, regarding job content, work environment, information about the second examination, etc.
The content is not exactly the same as the 2024 Kanto Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations and Other Staff Recruitment Information Session (online) scheduled to be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024.
way to participate Please make a reservation in advance via the following URL:
Reservation form URL: https://forms.gle/jeGcdR1jQbZ5Zxyp6
If you do not receive a confirmation email within an hour after making a reservation, please contact us at the email address below.
E-mail: saiyo (insert @ here) cc.wxanhx.com
Capacity 100 people each time
remarks The materials from the original information session held on July 18, 2024 (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Technology Recruitment Guide for FY2024) are available here.
Please check here in advance for details on how to participate on the day.
Please note that using Zoom will incur communication fees, so we recommend watching in a Wi-Fi environment or participating from a computer.


Date and Time Saturday, April 13, 2024 *Ended
Name of the information session 2nd session for 2024 Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporation Staff Information Session
time 1st session: 10:40-11:10
2nd session: 11:20-11:50
3rd session: 12:50-13:20
4th session: 13:30-14:00
5th session: 14:10-14:40
way to participate Please register as a member and make a reservation via the following URL.
Kanto-ku Shinetsu-campus National University Corporation Staff Recruitment Examination URL: https://ssj.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/8923/
remarks ?Click here for the joint information session held on April 13, 2024


Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations, etc. Staff Recruitment Examination Second Round Examination Guide

Second Examination Information

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology, a National University Corporation, will be holding a second round of examinations for the recruitment of administrative staff for the 2024 academic year as follows.

?Click here for the 2024 recruitment examination information

Second Exam
First selection (group interview)
Date and Time July 29th (Mon), July 30th (Tue), July 31st (Wed)
*The following times are scheduled for each day: 9:00am -, 10:00am -, 11:00am -, 1:00pm -, 2:00pm -, 3:10pm -, 4:10pm -.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Administration (3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo 183-8538)

Get off at "Kokubunji Station" on the JR Chuo Line and take the "Fuchu Station bound bus (via Myojo Gakuen)" from South Exit Platform 2 for about 10 minutes and get off at "Harumicho" bus stop.

Get off at Keio Line "Fuchu Station" and take the "Kokubunji Station South Exit Bus (via Myojo Gakuen)" from the North Exit Bus Terminal Platform 3 for about 7 minutes and get off at the "Harumicho" bus stop.

Get off at "Kita-Fuchu Station" on the JR Musashino Line and walk for about 12 minutes

?Click here for the route from Kitafuchu Station

Eligibility requirements Successful candidates for the first round of recruitment examinations for national university corporations in the Kanto-Koshinetsu campus in FY2024
How to apply

Please apply through the reservation site below.
Reservations will begin after the results of the first exam are announced (Thursday, July 25th at 9:30am).
In addition, additional reservation slots will be made available after the joint information session, which will be held after the results are announced.


*Reservations are limited to one per person.
*Applications will close once the planned number of participants for each day has been reached.
*If you are unable to attend after making a reservation, please be sure to cancel the reservation.
*If you wish to cancel after the cancellation deadline, please contact us using the information at the bottom of the page.

Application documents Please send the university's prescribed "resume" by the method instructed at the time of reservation, and then print it out and bring it with you on the day.
When preparing your resume, please check the sample. Also, be sure to check the manual before sending it.
Number of employees planned Exam category: Administrative work 10 people
Expected employment date After September 1, 2020 (April 1, 2020 for new graduates)
For those other than the above 1. Only those who pass the first selection will be notified of the date and time of the second selection by phone or email.
2. Our university requires that you wear light summer attire, mainly from May to September. Please do not wear a jacket or tie on the day of the event.


Second selection
Date and Time Scheduled for August 2 (Friday) and August 5 (Monday)
*Those who pass the first selection will be notified.


Third selection
Date and Time Scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th
*Those who pass the second selection process will be notified.

Working conditions

Working conditions
Location Headquarters, Fuchu Campus, Koganei Campus
You may be employed at another institution for a certain period of time through personnel exchanges.
Working hours 8:30-17:15
Working hours: 7 hours 45 minutes per day (38 hours 45 minutes per week)
holiday Saturday, Sunday (two-day weekend system), holidays stipulated by the National Holidays Act
Year-end and New Year holidays (December 29th to January 3rd), Founding Anniversary (May 31st)
Holidays etc. Annual leave: 20 days per year (first year varies depending on when you were hired, 15 days for those hired in April)
Special leave: Summer vacation (3 days), summer vacation (August 13-15 in FY2024), marriage leave, maternity leave, bereavement leave, etc.
Sick leave, childcare leave, nursing care leave, spouse accompanying leave, etc.
Salary and Benefits Starting salary: Approximately 180,000 to 250,000 yen (determined based on experience prior to employment)
Commuting allowance, housing allowance, dependent allowance, etc. (paid if certain conditions are met)
End of term/diligence allowance (bonus, paid twice a year in June and December)
Salary increase: once a year (January)


Health insurance and pensions Joined the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association
Labor Insurance Enrolled in employment insurance and workers' accident compensation insurance
Health check Various health checkups are conducted
Staff accommodation There are accommodation facilities exclusively for faculty and staff (for families and singles)
For those other than the above We are inviting nurseries to our Fuchu and Koganei campuses.


Contact information

〒183-8538 東京都府中市晴見町3丁目8-1
新万博体育_万博体育官网-【官方授权牌照】総務部人事課任用係 電話: 042-367-5509 E-mail: saiyo(ここに@を入れてください)cc.wxanhx.com
本学ホームページURL: /

Kanto-Koshinetsu campus National University Corporations, etc. Staff Recruitment Examination Office (opens in a new window)
